I really believe most of us are spending our time very well whenever we're dissatisfied, although at that time we then most want to say "life stinks." I need a reality check. I am so dissatisfied with school, 16 years..16 years, thats to dadgum much. I say it is. "perseverence creates character and character hope and hope doesn't dissapoint." What should we persevere in? The answer - Everything. When is enough enough. When its over. When's it over. When
God says it is. When does God say it is, that's when it gets confusing........ Actually no. Its not confusing. "If a man remains in me and I in him he will bear much fruit for apart from me you can do
nothing." Jn 15 God obviously wants us to do something. What is that something?
Everything Ok about my day. Good old Steven (seen below) accompanied me to school today and I don't have any classes. ?.. don't worry about it.. I helped with a hot dog fundraiser from 10 to 2 where I talked with people about hot dogs, cokes, chips, etc...,etc..., and a real conversation with this older lady. She started back to school after an 18 year hiatus. That's encouraging. :) Steven and I are doing random things on the internet. I- making this blog, Steven- witnessing, wait, flirting with people on the internet. :) He's a got an inspiring life. He was witnessing to people earlier but he's an 18 year old guy, can't blame him. Amy! Melissa! Matt! Simon! I'm coming over later. Whooooooooo
Matt and Melissa, you're going down!!!!!!!!!!!! For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, not many of you. If any at all. We have a Taboo rematch from 2 years ago to replay. I think it was 2 years. Anyways. This is enough reading, I hope I haven't bored you too much. Visit Melissa at Melissagann.com Visit me at geocites.com/gri0500 and uniq..nevermind