Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Last day of the first month of the 2005th year of our Lord

2:36 a.m
Well today was a good day! I spent a lot of time in thought but I can tell God is working and thats encouraging. I've been reminded a lot of the importance of being persistent in seeking Him. With all that said I just had to write an autobiography for my internship application. I wrote it a year ago but failed to save it. YIKES!!! On the good side though, I did have the hard copy stored away in my old ELED 300 folder so all I had to do was transfer it.

In keeping with the theme, learn a lesson from the organized people of the world. There are people in my class asleep right now.
sorry for the underlining, I can't figure out how to make it go away. Do you care? I don't. Its actually kind of cool.


At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man you need to be more disciplined! This is the coolest blog ever


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