Monday, February 14, 2005

Matt's hair was really a mess that night. The more he tried to fix it the more it kept fowling up. He's using the bedside mirror I bought Simon for Christmas. I think buying people gifts gets gradually harder as they get older. Everyone knows that though so I'll talk about something different. Why is Matt wearing the green band on his arm? The answer- Its an "Aquire the Fire" wristband which will be taking place this February 25,26 (Friday and Saturday). I will personally vouch for this weekend. The teaching and worship is awesome and the fellowship time is unbeatable. Last year Joey Baughn, Matt Pecina and I walked around downtown Fort Worth and there was this band playing and some of the fans were a little bit unsober. This man standing right behind us yelled "somebody take their clothes off," after that us three were like ughhhhhh....... then about 10 seconds later he yells " somebody take their clothes off besides me." I know this sounds bad and trust me we left quickly but it was one of my funniest memories ever. That guy should have been attending the conference. :) Posted by Hello


At 8:59 AM, Blogger Amy said...

happy belated v-day. i like your blog.

At 10:58 PM, Blogger Hello World said...

Preach it Amber! Everyone get the word out...


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