Monday, July 11, 2005

My goodness..... Celebrities are soo annoying. ONe minute they want you the next their focusing on their careers. I just can't take that kind of half hearted commitment. Besides, whenever I watch Nick at Night and see her little baby pics I feel like a loser, so I'm done with celebrities. On to other things. We had a group meeting at the Thompson's tonight. We talked about the sermon which apparently was on the demon possesed man. We figured out that most of the stuff we discussed on it was up for guessing b'c the bible doens' t really say. I wonder if Paul, Mark, Matthew, etc., meant for us to assume things. Some people are very cut and dry with their interpretations of scripture. The bible says " ". Should we read into things? I've been taught that the epistles are to be read as a letter. Does reading chapter 5 of Galatians give you God's inspired message for you, or must you read it all? Lately I've kind of leaned on the start to finish idea. And.. is it possible that we can get good messages from God and better messages from God if we study harder. I don't think so, that just doesn't sound right. I believe one thing though "The fact of the matter is still the same, you and I will not be here forever." - Bebo Norman "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free, stand firm then, and do not be subject again to any yoke of bondage." Posted by Picasa


At 10:49 PM, Blogger Amy said...

Hey, Scott. Were you glad to see Simon again? If so, then why are you LEAVING sunday? Hey, did you know that elam backwards is male?


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