Sunday, July 10, 2005

Last Sunday Kelly(the newly with child),Corey, and I went to visit Corey's grandparents in Oklahoma. It was their 70'th, 70'th anniversary. Kelly and I went outside to walk around quite a few times. When we were walking around someone said that this tree we were looking at was a bean tree. I didn't know beans grew on trees before then. Apparently its not edible but interesting nonetheless. It was actually a family reunion and one of Corey's cousins was hinting at the idea of me talking to her daughter. Isn't that wrong? I thought it was funny. Sorry Corey... I'm wondering if I should really post such a point on the internet, I wouldn't want to incriminate Corey. Ahh well. I'll delete it if you want me to. Moving on. Kelly's pregnant. :) Posted by Picasa


At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please help.


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