Wednesday, March 02, 2005


Everyone better be at church tonight. We are having an ode to St. Patricks day.
-? Who is St. Patrick.
-Thanks for the help on the project Corey. Sorry, but I'm not going to use the movie/music thing, its a great idea but everyone before me has done games and doing something outrageous, while good in God's eyes, is a big leap of faith right now. Sorry to get philosophical
-I'm going to split the group into marrieds and non-marrieds. There are more marrieds but it'll be funny. They have to answer questions to move along and whoever gets to the finished point first wins. It'll be a fun and learning experience for all of us.
Happy March 2nd to all and to all a good day.
Posted by Hello


At 10:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Scott! I came tonight! You and Stevn crack me up ttyl. . .

-keepin it real

At 9:53 AM, Blogger Hello World said...

Keep keepin it real yo.

At 12:04 AM, Blogger Hello World said...

We ended up just splitting the room in half. There were 8 married and only 4 unmarried so it wouldn't have worked. It went well

At 6:30 PM, Blogger Amy said...

hey, scott.

thanks for the call this morning. see you tomorrow. you should come to the youth rally and see a.r. hee hee

At 12:52 AM, Blogger Hello World said...

lol - I said stuff I shouldn't have. Lets forget about some of that.

At 11:41 PM, Blogger Hello World said...

I remember that. Some kind of Civil Rights thing wasn't it. I just remember going to the mall for something that day. I think I have it here somewhere.


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