Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Today, March First

I'm sitting in a computer lab at school. There are alot of computer labs at this school. Sometimes I'll go to another building just to use that computer lab. Its 1:42 and I have almost 4 hours till my next class. I haven't studied a wink for the test in there but I plan on it. I did this in their last semester and came out with a B. I did study, was that clear?...
I really enjoyed Aquire the Fire last Friday. For some reason those special retreats, etc... always do something special for me. I don't think thats bad but I do think if I practiced the spiritual disciplines as God would have me those times wouldn't be so convicting.
I just got back from Wal-Mart and there was this funny sign in the bathroom. If I remember I'm gonna take a picture of it and put it on here. It wasn't meant to be funny but yall know what I mean. Hope everyones doing well. GTG


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